He was released from Guy's Hospital yesterday afternoon after being treated for severe lacerations to his wrists and arms.
In the third round, an accidental head clash opened a severe laceration over Cotto's left eye.
He also suffered severe lacerations to both arms.
It is known to defend itself when barred of escape, and can cause severe lacerations with its fine sharp "fangs".
I was lucky to escape with severe lacerations and temporary deafness.
Rowand suffered a broken nose and severe lacerations to his face.
But most researchers agree that the risk of severe lacerations outweighs the benefits.
His son Christopher had a fracture to the right forearm and a severe laceration to the right hand.
I know it may be uncomfortable for a few days, but a lot less than the repair of severe lacerations would be.
You nearly died from a concussion and a severe facial laceration.