She has severe osteoporosis, and a pair of her vertebrae have collapsed.
"We have a lot of nuns who are on Medicare, and every nun has severe osteoporosis."
Remember, my bone scan four years ago showed moderate to severe osteoporosis, and you agreed that heavier exercise 1.
Only women with very severe osteoporosis should continue.
Her father, she told the group, had severe osteoporosis and had fractured a vertebra.
She didn't want bad days, and was in chronic pain from herpetic neuralgia and severe osteoporosis.
Some people with severe osteoporosis might be prescribed biphosphonates.
Teriparatide is used to treat severe osteoporosis in people at high risk for bone fractures.
In 2008 she was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis and was prescribed Boniva.
Iufaa also had slight arthritis and suffered from severe osteoporosis.