He characterized the condition as "the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity".
The psychiatric professionals of the 19th century, alienists and neurologists, were primarily concerned with severe pathology such as schizophrenia and mania.
The physiological importance of SODs is illustrated by the severe pathologies evident in mice genetically engineered to lack these enzymes.
Mutations in cytochrome b primarily result in exercise intolerance in human patients; though more rare, severe multi-system pathologies have also been reported.
Instead he championed it as a treatment for people with serious psychological disturbances like psychosis, severe borderline pathology, psychosomatic illness or addiction.
- The cause of severe pathology, such as cerebral complications in malaria patients.
Such mitochondrial genome alterations have been correlated with extremely severe human pathologies such as the Kearns-Sayre or Pearson syndromes (10-13).
Fellows are trained to provide perioperative anesthetic management for patients with severe cardiopulmonary pathology.
Despite causing some severe pathologies, lots of cases of hemolysis do not suppose a health hazard.