Cutting a tree to the ground regularly, which is called coppicing, accomplishes the same thing on trees that regrow readily after severe pruning.
It is usually trained under one of the Guyot systems, and needs severe pruning to keep it under control.
Due to it being a resprouter, it responds well to severe pruning.
A few, like grapevines, will need severe pruning to keep them productive and bountiful.
A. Both of these plants can withstand severe pruning, so if they were well established and healthy last fall, there is a chance they might survive.
Occasionally, severe pruning can improve an exhibition.
Cut back lightly; severe pruning is always a gamble.
Both could be kept within bounds by a severe pruning in early spring.
Shrubs whose best stems are a year old require slightly less severe pruning.
He also pioneered the practice of severe pruning in the vineyard to keep yields low.