A child surviving on bread and yoghurt due to severe reflux can suffer real anxiety when faced with new or different foods.
"The symptoms may be due to another condition, to severe reflux that requires more powerful medicines, or to complications of reflux that require further medical evaluation and treatment."
In some patients with severe reflux, up to 600 mg of ranitidine can be administered daily, usually in four lots of 150 mg.
CLO develops in a background of severe reflux and continous acid exposure of the ulcerated lower oesophagus as shown in animal models.
This also supports the hypothesis that smoking and alcohol are not risk factors for development of CLO in patients with severe gastro-oesophageal reflux.
Smoking does not predispose to the development of CLO in patients with severe gastro-oesophageal reflux.
Babies with severe reflux may cry, act fussy, or have trouble eating.
It may be an option for babies or children who have severe reflux that causes breathing problems or keeps them from growing.
Comment: After day one, have gone back to eating what I want to at night, even spicy foods with not one instance of waking up with severe reflux and aspiration.
Comment: I have severe reflux, this pill works great.