Amphotericin B is well known for its severe and potentially lethal side-effects.
I see no examples anywhere in the world of economies that have taken steps in the direction he desires without severe side-effects.
Walsh said that the patient had previously suffered severe side-effects from the drug.
However, alkylation causes severe side-effects and is actually carcinogenic in its own right, with potential to lead to the development of secondary tumors.
Additionally severe side-effects, mainly myalgia, were observed after bryostatin administration.
Guidelines for weaning have consequently been included in the protocol, and some of the less severe side-effects are also included.
A number of severe side-effects can occur if adolescents use anabolic steroids.
Sultiame taken together with primidone may lead to severe side-effects, including psychotic reactions.
But severe side-effects have been reported.
However, there can be severe side-effects with prolonged usage.