And a severe snowstorm in March that held up newspaper deliveries cost the company $3.7 million, or 2 cents a share of income.
She was separated from her owners, the Simons, during a severe snowstorm.
His reports included stories on a severe snowstorm that struck Washington State in 1996.
A severe snowstorm hit Tokyo on the day of the match, which nearly forced its postponement.
On Jan. 21, 1871, a severe snowstorm coated the city.
Kalstrom, who had been on the route for 16 years, encountered a severe snowstorm at about 9:00 pm.
Upon reaching the strait, she was greeted by a severe snowstorm.
Finally, in winter of 1899, seven severe snowstorms cut the town off from the outside world for long periods of time.
On the descent, the team was caught in a severe snowstorm.
In the rare case of a severe and protracted snowstorm the cattle get a little hay.