It is recorded that during the severe spell in 1740, men curled on the Cross on 23 consecutive days, excepting Sundays.
Mr. Glickman said there was little precedent for the weather's extreme volatility in recent years, with severe dry spells and then torrential rain and floods.
Incidentally, if the forsythia is not flowering abundantly now indoors, if there are only sparse flowers here and there, blame that severe cold spell during January.
The panel said residents of the region should prepare for more frequent and more severe dry spells, and "costly, controversial and unavoidable trade-offs" in water use.
It is not unusual for South Dakota to have severe hot, dry spells in the summer with the temperature climbing above 100 F (38 C) several times every year.
This region experiences fairly low total rainfall (450-650 mm) and is subject to periodic seasonal droughts and severe dry spells during the rainy season.
Taking antibiotics early in the illness may help shorten the illness or prevent it from progressing to the stage in which severe coughing spells occur.
After a severe spell of nervous debility, he finally reached Chicago and was solemnly installed as Bishop on the following September 3.
A severe dry spell has gripped the metropolitan region since the fall.
The most severe cold spells may send thermometer readings below -40 C/F.