Without this drug, Jem'Hadar go into severe withdrawal, resulting in loss of cognitive and motor functions.
The humans themselves are so used to the narcotic effect of the fungus, that they are incapable of leaving Nirvana without suffering severe withdrawal.
Cottle is unavailable to provide Roslin with her cancer medication, and she undergoes severe withdrawal.
Arriving in Scotland's Glendarvie Castle, Montmorency suffers from severe withdrawal.
Before their last interview, Baker had made no secret that he was out of drugs and in severe withdrawal.
Generally, the higher the dose, the longer benzodiazepine has been used and the more rapidly it is discontinued, then the more likely severe withdrawal symptoms will occur.
Throughout the season up to the riot, Wangler remains a key drug dealer and user who goes through severe withdrawal during the riot.
Several case reports in the literature describe severe withdrawal or discontinuation symptoms following an abrupt interruption of fluoxetine treatment.
Meanwhile, House is experiencing severe withdrawal to the extent that he breaks his own fingers to distract himself from his aching leg.
Major changes in behavior, including "zombie-like behavior and severe withdrawal," occurred when the children had to switch from one parental home to the other.