Nine people are killed and 122 injured, and the Marcal and Danube rivers are severely contaminated.
His body was severely contaminated by radioactive water.
Attempts to utilise them for other purposes were unsuccessful, in part because the newer building was severely contaminated with asbestos.
"Will the lake water not be severely contaminated as well?"
An inspection by the British colonial authorities revealed that the water in the well was severely contaminated by deadly viruses.
But there are thousands of less severely contaminated sites, or brownfields, many in poor communities, that lie fallow.
Since the water was stored between uses in unlined ponds, it ultimately severely contaminated the groundwater in the town.
Altogether, 350,400 people were evacuated and resettled from the most severely contaminated areas.
If the basement of the reactor building had been penetrated, the groundwater would be severely contaminated, and its flow could carry the contamination far afield.
She was moored far enough away from Baker to avoid further physical damage, but was severely contaminated.