Stumpf himself has decried the post-Tailhook climate and its effect on morale and readiness: "[T]he essence of that warrior culture has been severely diluted in this decade.
The trick had severely diluted the available air, taking him from near-sea-level pressure to the equivalent of a mountaintop in just half a dura.
As a result, shares tendered to Campeau could be severely diluted if Federated chose under the rights plan to issue new stock to shareholders at a discount, effectively reducing the value of its takeover offer.
Many feel that this wild appearance would be severely diluted if the new scheme were to go ahead.
As more slow runners entered long races, doctors began seeing athletes stumbling into medical tents, nauseated, groggy, barely coherent and with their blood severely diluted.
Such an offering would have severely diluted the value of investors' existing shares and would have put pressure on an already depressed stock.
Already, steps are under way to change Hong Kong's system of elections so the Democratic Party's influence will be severely diluted.
Mr. Giuliani had strongly opposed the proposal, saying it would have severely diluted the authority of the police commissioner and hamstrung his efforts to dismiss corrupt officers.
Under the plan, existing shareholders would find their stake severely diluted as 92 percent of the bank's ownership would be almost evenly divided between holders of the $181 million senior debt and $525 million in subordinated debt.
Problems with drugs supplied by the dodgy pharmaceutical company Scott Spear were found to have been severely diluted and some patients had died as a result.