Flagg has said she was greatly challenged as a writer because she "was severely dyslexic and couldn't spell, still can't spell.
I later learned that as a child she had been severely dyslexic, and that she still had trouble memorizing lines for a part.
He believed that this might give him the opportunity to help his severely dyslexic daughter Susie.
What seemed obvious to me was confirmed by the tests, which showed that David was severely dyslexic.
Severely dyslexic, she has to dictate everything and cannot text or use a computer.
Camila runs the charity Kids Company and is a social entrepreneur, despite being severely dyslexic and not able to read or write (she works by dictation).
Four in five of these children go on to become severely dyslexic in grade school, Dr. Tallal said.
He is severely dyslexic.
Five years ago, Recording for the Blind expanded to provide books for the severely dyslexic.
In December, tests paid for by Ms. Easparro showed Matt was severely dyslexic.