Possibly affected by his son's death, his condition severely worsened in May 2011, when he became unable to stand and started experienced hallucinations.
Cold temperatures and low snowfall could severely worsen the damage to trout streams and it could take six or seven years for populations to recover, Mr. Graham said.
It is expected that if a bank's financial condition worsened severely, its debt issues would be converted to common or preferred stock.
As we pressed on the weather severely worsened.
By the beginning of 2003, Khan's condition severely worsened.
Helping the process along are widely published scenarios showing that a breakup would severely worsen economic conditions, not only in Quebec but in English-speaking Canada.
Traditionally the club's home ground was Corbett Park in Grange, however they were forced out by financial administrators when the club's financial position severely worsened.
Again elected to the Chamber, his health severely worsened and he died soon after in Rome.
In many cases, he said, their bad diet has caused, or at least severely worsened, their pneumonia, their heart trouble or even their dementia.
If no further steps are taken to improve the current conditions global warming will affect the economy severely worsening the present issues further.