Squatter camps are getting water standpipes, brick outhouses and one vandal-resistant telephone every few hundred yards on which they can call for police, an ambulance or even sewer repair.
These chunks of asphalt typically are ripped up when making a routine asphalt repair, man hole repair, catch basin repair or sewer main repair.
But this particular traffic jam wasn't caused by a Scania shedding its load, sewer repairs or slight confusion about exactly which way one should negotiate the Wandsworth one-way system.
Otherwise, he said, "it was much ado about nothing" because the Board had already agreed to undertake the sewer repairs.
The firm secured nearly $8 million in earmarks for the Wasilla city government, including $500,000 for a youth shelter, $1.9 million for a transportation hub, and $900,000 for sewer repairs.
On that trip a project for developing better waste management, sewer repairs, solid waste composting, and educational outreach was approved by Sister Cities International.
In fact, the committee said, the money set aside for the sewer repairs had not come from taxes, but from the sale of property; and the charges of 300 violations "are not supported by evidence."
A board's district manager can prevent the Department of Transportation from repaving a street the week before the Department of Environmental Protection tears it up for sewer repairs.
Compared with the city's current budget, there are no new taxes, but there are some service cuts, including fewer jail beds, a reduction in pothole surveillance teams and deferred sewer repairs.
We're talking sewer repair.