Female sex pheromones are a signal of availability and help attract male mates.
Therefore, as an alternative way to find mates, sex pheromone is used.
In animals, sex pheromones indicate the availability of the female for breeding.
In addition, females discriminate against mates by the judgment of their sex pheromones.
Females release a specific blend of sex pheromone to attract males.
Instead, they produce a precursor of the fly's sex pheromone.
The sex pheromone is released by the female and used in attracting mates that are long distances away.
In another form of mating-related communication, the female produces sex pheromones.
However, sex pheromones are particularly associated with signaling mating behaviors or dominance.
In search of mates, the queens flew, flooding the air with the sex pheromone.