In any case, Miriam was not above a little sex play, even in present circumstances.
"Older boys and men may be frightened about getting caught having sex play with you, because they can be put in jail," it says.
For many the issue is not whether there was sex play in the White House, but whether it matters.
I hadn't been able to shoot my little jet of joy juice into him; he had gave me the lower end in our sex play.
Always indulging in sex play as soon as they're old enough to finger themselves.
Spent from their sex play, the woman dozed peacefully at Anpard's side.
As network executives point out heatedly, most of television's sex play doesn't proceed to sexual intercourse.
Many children take part in some sex play, typically with siblings or friends.
The face up versions of the position are popular for oral sex play or erotic massage.