At the beginning of the show, Tipton revealed that she once encountered sex traffickers posing as modeling agents.
If parents were directly involved in the selling of their children to sex traffickers, they were severely punished as well.
She also claims that Las Vegas in particular is a major destination for sex traffickers.
Prosecutors continued, however, to rely on a prostitution procurement law with weaker penalties to prosecute and convict a number of sex traffickers.
The government prosecuted a landmark trafficking case in 2009 resulting in significant jail time for eight convicted sex traffickers.
The most common sentence imposed on convicted sex traffickers is life imprisonment.
The legend of their success makes the fight against sex traffickers all the more difficult.
So now the local sex traffickers are more careful about peddling virgins.
The sentence was the harshest penalty ever handed down to a convicted sex trafficker in the federal court of Chicago.
However, he sold her to sex traffickers.