He spoke of men's 'sexist' behaviour, but laid the responsibility for providing a remedy with women, who must exercise a 'civilising influence'on these infantile people.
Drew and Alexandra dislike him because of his sexist behavior, while Lila is pleased as he seems to have taken a liking to her.
Throughout this work, Pascoe identified that certain heteronormative, sexist, and racist behaviors were sanctioned by the school.
Whole identities in countless songs rely on excessively sexist behaviour and name-calling to define the protagonist's power and importance.
This was after more than 1500 people complained to Ofcom about their alleged sexist behaviour.
This comes in contradiction of his at times sexist behavior, for instance, calling only on men during an open discussion with his audience on women's issues.
Such behavior is said to be detrimental to both the women engineers themselves and the workplace, where sexist behavior is likely to persist.
In other words, women told to look for sexist behaviour in social interactions are more likely to find it, and disapprove.
The endorsement of these beliefs in romantic contexts is thought to serve to reinforce and maintain such benevolent sexist behaviors.