Last month the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award also featured an all-male shortlist, prompting a number of complaints about sexist bias.
Much feminist attention has been focused on the sexist bias of many of the textbooks used in schools.
He suspected Laura might do the same--and it had nothing to do with a sexist bias, because he used the tactic repeatedly with difficult male clients.
Ms. MacKinnon displayed sexist bias in 1983, when she wrote a Minneapolis ordinance, promptly ruled unconstitutional, that banned pornography depicting women, but not pornography depicting men.
The list is likely to raise questions about sexist bias, given the longlist of eight names included actresses Jessica Chastain, Felicity Jones and Jennifer Lawrence, who all failed to make the cut.
By contrast, a keen awareness of the sexist bias of many structuralist theorists is evident in Thru.
In spite of some improvements in the statistical figures, a clear racist and sexist bias continues to exist at Ramapo.
Scholars in this field have mainly studied the role of mothers as primary care-givers, not out of sexist bias, they say, but because fathers who truly play this role remain so rare.
Thirteen previously unenlightened fairy tales, hilariously purged of their racist, sexist and monocultural bias.
But despite this relative lack of sexist bias, a woman has a harder time getting elected than does a black candidate.