An adult by the time of his meeting with Wolfe, he described having been "the recipient of many inappropriate sexual communications from Foley" while a minor.
However, federal law does not prohibit an individual from engaging in explicit, sexual communications with a minor per se.
Mike Anderson's research on sexual communication has also been featured at national conferences and published in several academic journals, books, newspapers, and magazines.
They believed that sexual communication was the key issue to sexual problems not the specifics of an individual problem.
The basic Masters and Johnson treatment program was an intensive two-week program to develop efficient sexual communication.
A counselor can help guide a couple in agreeing on a treatment or help them improve their sexual communication and lovemaking skills.
Some birds also use low-frequency sound signals for territorial, sexual and other social communications.
Mr. Downs concludes by arguing against expanding the types of sexual communication not protected by the First Amendment.
The scientists speculate that it may involve sexual communication or the use of water-soluble odorants in navigating and hunting underwater.