He no longer made any serious attempt to conceal his sexual depravity, the rumours of which everyone had shrunk from taking literally.
Other senators jump in to disagree, citing all sorts of sexual depravity during the Roman Empire's long run.
When Loving-Kindness become extreme it can lead to sexual depravity and lack of Justice to the wicked.
Ultimately, none of the charges of sexual depravity has any credible evidentiary support.
Tzi is a bad day, symbolized by sexual depravity.
Gabrielle is called to testify against Charles and his sexual depravity.
She had more to worry about than the false charge of sexual depravity.
After all, individual instances of sexual depravity are not unfamiliar to the church.
Has she found a ghastly new way to satisfy her lust, or is sexual depravity all in the head?
Some officials turned their backs on sexual depravity among clergy members.