The associate said the White House had been startled by the sexual detail in the report, and was fearful of how the nation would react.
The Justices have been asked to consider whether the agency's concerns for security justify its interest in the sexual details of its employees' lives.
They struggled to communicate the report's many sexual details to viewers without using R-rated words when children might be watching.
The image of her body covered with snails disgusted him, of course; especially its sexual details.
This level of sexual detail is clearly intended to inflame public passions.
All the papers report that the questioning of Lewinsky did not include pressing her on any sexual details.
He worried about the effect the book's sexual detail might have on his daughter.
It involved sexual details that we didn't used to discuss at the dinner table.
A new salaciousness puts sexual detail in a headline when once there would have been only hints buried deep within the story.
Though it is not necessary to give explicit sexual details, make clear what kind of abuse you're talking about.