In the third group, age of men and women at sexual initiation was more closely matched.
As a depiction of a young boy's sexual initiation, the scene has a wild, surrealistic edge.
This was a period of intense sexual and worldly initiation.
It was the photograph that marked the site of Eddie's sexual initiation.
A large percentage of girls report forced sexual initiation.
A "stunning little book" about a 15-year-old girl's sexual initiation, courtesy of her eye doctor.
The song visits a common theme in country music: a teen-aged boy's sexual initiation by a married woman.
He, along with half a dozen of his friends, described a timetable for sexual initiation.
They are used to lead young women through sexual initiation, marriage and child birth.
When studios catered to a 12- to 20-year-old core audience, the emphasis was on sexual initiation.