The kid was too young to interest her, and Werther too old; no sexual intrigues to mess up the scenario.
Nasty sexual intrigue provides most of the spice in the younger characters' lives.
So which one makes moody films about sexual intrigue?
Little did they suspect that they were about to plunge into a new, even more complicated drama mixing political and sexual intrigue.
She crossed her legs the way few women could, turning an ordinary event into a moment of sexual intrigue.
Those 15 minutes are spent with a male host who has an affinity for tales of sexual intrigue.
The plot consisted almost entirely of parties and tame sexual intrigue with the Terrorists.
She had to concentrate on practicalities, not sexual intrigues.
We have entered a better world-a world of comfort where every day is a day off, waiting to be filled with sexual intrigue.
This, her impressive first venture into film, focuses on sexual intrigue.