Peter Lehman, on the other hand, considered Orbison's theme of constant vulnerability an element of sexual masochism.
Being forced to wear diapers as a form of humiliation is sometimes a behavior encountered in sexual masochism.
He discusses the paradox that the flow state (Csikszentmihalyi) resembles psychological states obtainable through actions such as drug abuse, sexual masochism, and suicide ideation (Baumeister).
The homoerotic subtext many found in "Fight Club" is spelled out in "Shiner," about some ostensibly straight, even homophobic, guys whose sparring edges across the line between macho horseplay and sexual masochism.
In 1919 in "A Child is Being Beaten" he began to address the problems of self-destructive behavior (moral masochism) and frank sexual masochism.
Minto said of Jack, "He was as good as an extra maid," and she subjected him to a kind of domestic slavery that Wilson says he thinks amounted to sexual masochism on Lewis's part.
In his book Masochism and the Self, psychologist Roy Baumeister advanced a Self Theory analysis that cuckolding (other forms of sexual masochism) among otherwise mentally healthy people was a form of escapism.
There is also evidence that voluntary castration is used in modern societies for reasons such as control of libido, body modification and, in some cases of extreme sexual masochism, for purposes of sexual excitement (see paraphilia and apotemnophilia).
In Charlie's mind, there was no doubt at all that the rituals of the Celestine church were tightly intertwined with the rituals of religious and sexual masochism; that the ecstasy of self-mutilation was orgasmic as well as spiritual.