The rules of sexual modesty in Islamic culture require a woman to be modestly covered at all times, especially when traveling farther from the home.
Her face is framed in a gaudy, vaguely Islamic scarf that is the most tokenistic nod to sexual modesty he has ever seen.
Most of us would accommodate a woman's desire for a female gynecologist, deferring to the patient's sexual modesty.
This is an ethically ambiguous area: notions of sexual modesty vary.
The honor of a family, that is, the sense of dignity of its male members, depended on the sexual modesty and virtue of its women.
The earlier era was defined by a rejection of prevailing social norms, from segregation to sexual modesty to name a few.
The argument is compelling - it makes sense of honor killings, the veiling of women and a seemingly excessive sexual modesty.
It is not merely an observation of her virginity, but a recognition of her role as enforcer of rules of sexual modesty and ritual mystery.
Most of us would consent to a woman's request for a female gynecologist, deferring to her sense of sexual modesty.