The apple as symbol of sexual seduction has been used to imply sexuality between men, possibly in an ironic vein.
During his short stay, Hanlin deals with psychological trickery, sexual seduction, ancient religious practices and nightmarish sacrificial rituals.
Near the turn of the century, Sigmund Freud claimed that the principal cause of neurosis in adults was sexual seduction during childhood.
According to this concept, trauma develops as a result of the sexual seduction of a child by a parent or authority figure.
Deceit and sexual seduction are only fair means to obtain Kurt's sympathy.
His own inclination to sexual seduction throws the entire menagerie into despair.
That what Elvis accomplished was "the sexual seduction of whites into blackness."
She combined political, philosophical, and aesthetic concerns with frequent scenes of sexual seduction.
In espionage terminology, "honeypot" is one of several ways to refer to a recruitment that involves sexual seduction.
Some critics believe the poem is an ironic statement on sexual seduction.