To a lesser extent, women from neighboring countries have been identified in sexual servitude in Brazil.
There are many reports of these groups forcibly recruiting women and children to serve in sexual servitude.
The sexual servitude that awaited them was of a very particular kind.
Foreign and mainland Chinese women are sometimes passed to local organized crime groups upon arrival, held captive, and forced into sexual servitude.
It is also a vast source of even younger and more cheaply acquired girls for sexual servitude in the United States.
Sold into slavery, serfdom, sexual servitude, or other unfree labour.
For women, slavery often included sexual servitude.
He tends to keep to himself and to act aloof towards people but Kanou has forced him into a life of sexual servitude.
It recognizes that trafficking is broader than just sexual servitude.
A situation so gross that it did not allow him to retrieve her from the sexual servitude she was thrust into.