This is the specific sexual signal from the adult female that tells the male that she is ready to mate.
However, as there is no sexual dimorphism in coloration it is unlikely to be a sexual signal.
Oh, didn't they learn the sexual signals early today!
Her body had grown lanky from years of running, but it sent strong sexual signals to the males around her.
The sexual signals were wrong; it might be a matter of distinct pheromones.
Dr. Pinker may not think so, but 60-year-old women have not lost their ability to respond to sexual signals by reproductively fit young men.
So: scholar's pose, no sexual signals, and give her his best.
Polyandrous species are also more likely to have females with complex sexual signals such as ornaments.
I exchanged a look, a handclasp, and a sexual signal with Rero.
Before mating, both genders give a sexual signal with the jaw forward, eyebrows raised and then lowered, and a head-shake.