When many of these foods, like potatoes and cocoa, became more widely available, their reputations as sexual stimulants waned.
"Almost anything can be a sexual stimulant in the proper hands."
Of all the things you could order on that replicator menu, you chose a sexual stimulant?
The drugs are sexual stimulants to rearrange men's period of receptivity.
These natural odors are the sexual stimulants which nature, in her magical wisdom, has provided.
The Aztecs, among the earliest harvesters of the avocado, used it as a sexual stimulant.
Blend it with Brinock - that's a sexual stimulant and enhancer.
Dance, orgy, or sexual stimulant, this was the interpretation the common folk put on the ideals of the priests and priestesses.
Remember that cocaine is also a sexual stimulant.