Most have a history of physical or sexual victimization.
More direct consequences are related to sexual victimization.
Furthermore, sexual victimization may be a cause.
We examined the hypothesis that the association between college drinking and sexual victimization would be stronger for women with less high school drinking experience.
Other studies, however, have found that both blacks and Latinos have an increased risk for sexual victimization".
"It must be concluded that offical surveys fail to describe the full extent of sexual victimization," the new report said.
Q. How did the issue of sexual victimization among men and boys become important to you?
This brings the discussion back to whether changes in social attitudes are the most effective way of preventing sexual victimization.
Nationwide, the rate of inmates reporting sexual victimization within a prior 12-month period was 4.5 percent.
The county said it was concerned "that allowing him to perform will provide 'cover' to engage in other acts of sexual victimization of children."