Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Their home today, though, shows little of its former shabbiness.
There was more shabbiness than he had ever noticed before.
Now, the park makes do with a part-time staff, and has the shabbiness to show for it.
Right off, I was struck by the shabbiness of the furnishings.
Most residents are happy to say goodbye to high crime and shabbiness.
Allowing a certain shabbiness adds to the success of the style.
She straightened up and looked about her, noting the shabbiness of the place.
He walked on deeper it seemed into the sadness and the shabbiness.
My present shabbiness allowed me to bring this to you unmolested.
Most tourists were put off by the pub's external shabbiness.
It was clean, but matched the rest of the joint for general shabbiness.
It was a room adequate for my needs; I didn't mind its shabbiness.
But it is hard to ignore the general shabbiness.
The shabbiness is cleansed, all the broken parts made whole.
And my following was touched with the same shabbiness.
The office really hadn't changed much, though I noticed, for the first time, a certain shabbiness throughout.
He walked in, grimacing over its shabbiness and lack of heat.
Real people live there and work hard, amid the kind of tidy rural shabbiness I love.
Now they are part of history, intertwined in shabbiness.
There was an air of shabbiness, neglect, and decay about everything Blade could see.
He found an old couch that was thick-cushioned, despite its shabbiness.
But to the initiated, its shabbiness is part of its appeal.
Her eyes took her in and the comfortable shabbiness of the pleasant room.
One day there came into his shop a man attired with extreme shabbiness.
Through much of it, she had seen a shabbiness that said minimal expenditure on maintenance.