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She had recently moved to a shabby little place in the city.
Even in this short a time beginning to look shabby.
They got into one that looked rather old and shabby.
The three men went back into the shabby sitting room.
All along his treatment of me had been shabby, at best.
But I give you my word, child, this one most shabby thing he certainly did not do.
He lived in one room on the top floor of a shabby house.
Here, there were quite a number along the shabby bar.
Then a shabby old lady came in through the wall.
The shabby man went down under the press of bodies.
And over the years it had grown a bit shabby.
"On the other hand, political stories have described us as shabby."
Of course the city is shabby, but no one minds.
In whatever street we live, our garden is always the shabby one.
Suddenly he feels like his own life is pretty shabby.
It looked very different by day, shabby and tired of itself.
She looked at the bottle on the shabby bed table.
Yet despite the cost, the care given to children has often been shabby, even dangerous.
Close up, he was even shabbier than what we had seen from the car.
Not shabby company for a woman just two years out of prison.
It made the rest of the place look even shabbier.
The whole town is in a state of shabby excitement.
They made it all the way back to the shabby square.
The living room seemed shabbier than it had the night before.
His room was in the rear of the shabby old building.