The shaded eyes seem to glance skyward for a moment.
We're quite a match, you and I." Her long lashes shaded soft green eyes.
The shaded eyes behind the jester's mask appeared to be studying Arnobius intently.
Set in walls 100 feet high and 30 feet thick at their base, gunports like shaded black eyes look out on the north coast of Haiti.
The sun is setting on another season, and finally, the shaded eyes of Los Angeles are fixed on the field.
He stared intently at Shea, his deep, shaded eyes running quickly over the young man's slim countenance and slight build.
Bicker shaded his eyes and peered north with satisfaction.
A black slouch hat shaded eyes that burned with steady reddish flame.
She walked back to him, her eyes dark and shaded, without light.
The boarders gathered in the verandah, silently giving ear, and gazing down the road with shaded eyes.