Rhamnus caroliniana is usually around 12 to 15 feet high, but capable of reaching 40 feet in a shaded location.
These handsome perennials are practically trouble free and are excellent choices for filling shaded locations.
This plant is most often found in rich, moist soils in both sunny and shaded locations.
If your tank receives direct sunlight, consider a more shaded location.
High summer can be stifling in Toulouse, so the cool rooms and shaded location are perfect.
The plant is kept in soft, weak acid water in a shaded location.
It grows best in well-drained and partly shaded locations.
The tree can be moved outdoors for the summer when the weather settles but place it in a shaded location.
This fern is found in shaded and semi-shaded locations.
Whip-poor-wills nest on the ground, in shaded locations among dead leaves, and usually lay two eggs at a time.