If a pen enters the shaded region, a 1 is added to the vector.
Part of the Milky Way passes through the tail, as illustrated by the shaded regions of the star map.
The shaded region, B, is an example of an APD.
To provide a relative reference, the mean and SD of untreated samples are represented by the shaded regions in Fig.
Larvae are often found in shaded regions of carrion, while the adults prefer bright, open areas.
The rule has always been that the gorgeous red sentinels of the woodlands need deeply shaded swampy regions to thrive.
Sunny or dimly shaded humid regions of riversides, lakesides are its familiar natural habitats.
A Venn diagram is a representation of a Boolean operation using shaded overlapping regions.
It is best grown in most to wet, rich, humusy soils in full sun to partly shaded regions.
The shaded regions have non-zero curvature.