The shaded square marks the metal structure; the other marks are for the other buildings.
When you've filled in the grid, rearrange the letters in the shaded squares to make up another word to do with the Club.
The clue in a shaded square need not conversely be incorrect.
Twenty distinctive shaded squares remain, but the prohibition against slavery lasted only until 1750, and the slave trade became one of Savannah's leading businesses.
Pazurgo is a word puzzle which normally takes the form of a rectangular grid with white and shaded squares.
Work back and forth between the shaded squares and the white ones to finish.
These games were also usually animated with shaded squares (e.g. Snake) due to their limited graphical quality.
The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.
In such puzzles shaded squares are traditionally limited to about one-sixth of the design.
Compilers strive to minimize use of shaded squares.