The shadows converged.
Macro shouted, and eight shadows detached themselves from the grass on either side of the track and converged on the horseman.
As 40 Eridani A blazed in the Vulcan sky, the long shadows cast by the menhirs defining the meeting place converged.
On that little shape had converged all the inauspiciousness and shadow which had darkened the first union of Jude, and all the accidents, mistakes, fears, errors of the last.
The companions saw dark shadows converge on the campfire.
The shadows deepen and converge, the breeze shuffles the leaves in the sugar maples, and an unappraisable sweetness slips down from the woods - all of it with such careful modulation, the entrance of one player after another, that to call it artful sounds like dispraise.
A dozen big shadows were converging on it.
That is why the three shadows converged on the stable, but without a war cry, without assault.
The iron forms of the Lords and the slim shadows of the fairies converged be- fore him.
Behind them, shadows converged on the fountain.