On 23 May 2012, Jones stood down from the front bench and his shadow portfolios while an investigation took place.
He has held a range of shadow portfolios, including arts, environment, small business, trade, defence and most recently the treasury.
He has held a range of shadow portfolios, including trade, defence and most recently treasury matters.
Following the 2011 State election, Lynch holds the shadow portfolios of Attorney General and Justice.
During this time, he held various shadow portfolios.
After the Labor party won the 1995 election, Skinner was appointed to the Opposition frontbench and has held various shadow portfolios since.
He also held the shadow portfolios of Infrastructure and Energy.
Punch held his shadow portfolio until his retirement from politics on 2 July 1985.
Carter's demotion included removal from the front bench, and loss of the shadow portfolio of Foreign Affairs.
Cook has held the following shadow portfolios since his election in 2008: