Dumarest sprawled on the shadowed ground.
He was standing against a shadowed ground of leaves and rock, very straight, with his dark head high, and a gallant look to him.
I pushed it aside and came upon a startling tableau: a tall figure silhouetted against the sky that could only be Weinbaum, a revolver hanging in his hand, looking down at the shadowed ground.
The very last rays of the setting sun were casting a bloody light over the long- shadowed grounds.
He looked at Sorcha, just ahead, moving effortlessly over the shadowed ground.
Now Quink approached the tree, spinning in her stately dance, hoofs kissing the shadowed ground without a sound.
Then she dropped swiftly to the dark and wind-swept zone between the hurtling clouds and the gloomy surface of the shadowed ground.
Each ladder was thirty feet, cumbersome on the shadowed ground, but the men were moving and, behind them, more figures advanced towards the dark bulk of the San Cayetano.
Instead, the opening was exactly as bright as the shadowed ground at the base of the walls, as though the local sun's light somehow seeped through the waxy stone.
They were silent then, their eyes glancing back toward the lighted manor house and the armed figures that patrolled its shadowed grounds.