He told the bracelet pearl to return to the game, and the shadowed valley materialized around him.
The Captain glanced up at the sun, now almost gone from this shadowed valley, and then at the choked passage ahead.
On the other side, a shadowed valley gleamed with rivers, under stars and a trace of aurora.
Suddenly, he oozed up and over a ridge, down into a deeper, shadowed valley.
The mountain band finally paused-spread below was a shadowed valley, nestled between the towering Kinarrs.
Once more in the saddle, we flew through shadowed valleys blue with hanging mist.
But he pulled the Army out of that shadowed valley as the military buildup of the early Reagan years brought pay raises and new equipment.
There are perhaps better fighters but when the time comes to walk that "shadowed valley", I want my brownette there at my side too!
Zadny seemed anxious- circling back closer to him, looking out into the shadowed valley and growling.
So again She is faceless, beneath flickering stars, here at the bottom of this shadowed valley.