The large, shady grounds, originally devoted to processing ore from La Valenciana, were converted in 1945 to a serie.
It stopped in its tracks and dropped, seeming to dissolve into the line of shady ground at the bottom of the screen.
In the rambling, shady grounds are a pig, sheep, snoozing cats and, come twilight, a resident pair of tawny owls.
Dinners are made with produce from the organic vegetable garden and can be eaten in the shady grounds, beneath 1,000-year-old oak trees.
The show's title derives from a laconic Mike Marshall video of water sprinklers and shady ground.
The shady grounds feature trees labelled in English plus a lake in the centre with paddle boats for rent.
S Map The gently decaying National Museum, set in shady grounds, has interesting displays on various aspects of Ghanaian culture and history.
Drained, Henry plopped down on the shady ground.
When the valley seems a little too shady, or a big box store breaks ground on a neighboring farm, I think about trading up.
The shady grounds are a popular picnic spot, especially during free concerts by the Royal Hawaiian Band, most Fridays from noon to 1.