They select those "cute little marigolds" and set them in the shadiest part of the garden.
Modern pentathletes had to sit under one shady part of the oak tree during the riding portion of the event.
A find of mushrooms Queen's Crowns, the best - one afternoon in a shady part of the forest was enough to seem a great treat.
Occasional patches of Lords and Ladies survives in shadier parts.
Depressed, the news team decides to buy new suits, but Brick, who was leading the way, gets them lost in a shady part of town.
Put into a shady part of a greenhouse or cold frame.
Some comparisons of the seasons can be included here and sunny or shady parts of the garden sorted out for various times of the day.
This rapidly growing climber can be grown in very shady parts of a garden, although it also tolerates some sun.
So thanks in large part to co-ops, the shadiest parts of the housing boom are less common in New York.
However, that's all rather a shady part of my past.