"Surely you've heard of his shady reputation?"
"You're a free agent, an international security contractor with a very shady reputation holding the blackmail equivalent of a nuclear weapon."
This gave him a shady reputation, particularly among Scottish visitors.
The industry has acquired a shady reputation, as a business where muscle was a far more important determinant for success than financial savvy.
This individual was Jeremy Stock, an Englishman with a shady reputation as an international swindler.
"Oh, I should have thought he had just the right kind of shady reputation," the Brigadier said.
All of them are worried about her neglecting school and getting a shady reputation.
Everyone does it at some point, yet rebounding has such a shady reputation.
Jake Maunders has had a shady reputation for years.
The industry was small and, to some degree, had a slightly shady reputation.