Can you recommend a grass seed for a shady site that will give me a nice lawn without having to mow or fertilize too often?
Parmacella valenciennii lives in stony open habitats, preferring shady and humid sites between plants and stones.
I really liked this, because you could use it on shady sites, but places that you trust (Amazon, etc) you can just give them your real number.
The plantings of Teardrop Park are designed to thrive on a relatively shady site and provide habitat for native and migratory birds.
Today it's a pleasantly shady site with plenty of trees and few tourists.
Trig Central to the main hiking trails, open grassy areas with many well-sheltered and shady sites.
Cenarrhenes nitida is a slow growing plant which requires a cool, moist, shady site with well composted soils and preferably good drainage.
They live in shady sites inside the forest that covers much of the island's plateau.
"This is a shady, rocky site, and except for spring no part gets more than two hours of filtered sun," he reminded his visitor.
It grows in shady sites within this rainforest.