Sestriere skiing is on shady slopes, mainly open with some woodland, facing the village.
They live in small ponds, slowly flowing streams and surrounding shady and moist grassy slopes with many hiding places.
On shadier slopes, cedar trees mix with hemlocks and huge white pines.
In winter, there are large differences between the sunny and shady slopes embracing the valley.
The sunny slopes are accommodating to hikes and strolls, while the shady slopes retain a snow blanket.
There are shady slopes above Vaujany and at Signal de l'Homme.
It is common in a variety of habitats including shady slopes, open woodlands, chapparal and grasslands in the winter and early spring.
When the climate warmed, the only places the trees could survive were up on the high cooler ridges and shady slopes where they grow today.
For the same objects, the pixel radiance values on the shady slope must be very different from that on the sunny slope.
The plant grows on moist, shady slopes.