Bela tossed her head, eyes rolling, and Egwene patted the mare's shaggy neck.
Binabik did not meet his eye, but rather stared at Qantaqa's shaggy neck.
She ran to the young mare and threw her arms around the shaggy neck, calming the horse's startled nervousness.
Ayla's followed an instant later, finding its mark in the shaggy neck of the bison after his tore into her soft underbelly.
She threw her arms around my shaggy neck and kissed me right on my wet black nose.
He talked to them, and stroked their shaggy necks.
A few nursing babes clung close to the shaggy necks of their savage mothers.
She fell against the moor cat in grateful disbelief, crying openly, wrapping her arms about the shaggy neck.
Abernathy slipped it carefully about his shaggy neck.
At the instant when he was about to spring, a light hand was laid upon his shaggy neck, and a low word spoken.