This was the final shakedown period, when the crew would acquire the skills that could never be learned on Earth, or even in free orbit.
After an early shakedown period, both the light salubrious food and the service have improved markedly.
The service staff is still in a shakedown period.
More than likely," said Porter, "the entire situation is in a shakedown period.
By one estimate, the state will spend $600 million on the program just in the shakedown period through 1992, before it is fully in force.
After a shakedown period, the first public hookups are to take place early next year.
"Actually, we didn't have a shakedown period," said one staff member.
"They're still in the process of organizing," said an army colonel sympathetic to the Palestinians' problems during this shakedown period.
More for the repair teams than me, but this goes beyond a shakedown period.
The law provides for a "shakedown" period lasting until May 31, during which the sanctions will not be enforced.