The rescue plan centers on shaky Korean banks.
Critics say this is an accounting sleight of hand because shaky banks have no hope of ever paying significant amounts of taxes.
Action is essential because Japan is in the midst of a severe credit crunch as shaky banks try to avoid new losses by avoiding almost all loans.
Representatives said they feared the effect of such a cap on shaky banks, on the stock market and on the economy.
But on Capitol Hill, he has been accused of being too weak, not intervening early enough at shaky banks and thus draining the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund.
To lesser degrees, Japan's shaky banks and continued slow growth in Europe present obstacles.
Managers also said in the survey that they were having a harder time raising money, a result of the government's drive to clean up the country's shaky banks.
It was little noticed that last week Standard & Poor's Ratings Service downgraded China's Government debt and the bonds of nine shaky state-backed Chinese banks.
Some American companies, anxious about shaky domestic banks, are seeking safer foreign ties.
But given Russia's bitter history with new bills, shaky banks, and anything having to do with money, who can blame her?