Mr. Clinton will meet on Tuesday at the White House with Congressional leaders, but neither side expects more than a shaky image of bipartisan cooperation.
Eve swore, smacked it with the heel of her hand, and bumped out a shaky image blurred across the center.
It's not enough that we bolster America's shaky image abroad, as a new Council on Foreign Relations report urges.
The shaky image that resulted, included in the exhibition, remains one of the most powerful images in photojournalism.
More broadly, these accidents further harm the United States' already shaky image abroad.
Mr. Holtzman says the United States must go beyond efforts to "bolster America's shaky image abroad" and "privatize" public diplomacy.
"We're ready when you are," Riker said, his image shaky and static-peppered on the Romulan main view screen.
The blue screen turned to static, then to a shaky image of a couple walking out a door.
But if you shake a camera, you get shaky images - and the smaller the camera, the more it shakes.
The gimmicks media creators use include handheld cameras; their shaky images seem to generate a tension that holds the viewer.